Marketing &amos; SEO

Search engine optimization

Before the summer of 1993 content on the WWW was indexed entirely by hand until a man called Oscar Nierstrasz at the University of Geneva wrote some scripts that periodically mirrored the content and rewrote it into a standard format. Boom!, the first search engine was born, this was on September 2, 1993. The first "popular" search engine appeared in 1994 which was Yahoo Search and soon after a number of new search engines appeared and vied for popularity. Google appeared on the scene in 1998 and introduced the idea of selling search terms. It changed the search engine to one of the most profitable businesses on the Internet. Google's search engine rose to prominence around the year 2000 and has grown into the giant we all know nowadays.

Initially company websites were seen as a new type of business card or on-line brochure and did not consist of much than some text, images and hyperlinks At that time a simple website could make a company compete on the world stage with any other company regardles of its size and importance. Gradually websites became more popular and at the same time sofisticated.

Lots has changed since then and nowadays the web has become an integral part of any business big or small. Companies that failed to adapt to these new times and embrace change have had to close their doors.

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Sorry, the icons look great and almost seem compulsory but we are not engaged in any social networks. Although AVDL highly recommends its customers to engage in the social networks for certain market segments and age groups we ourselves do not post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Youtube.

A note on social networks from Harvard Business Review:

Social platforms are still reporting robust growth — yes, even Facebook — despite a growing chorus of opposition. Social conversation continues to shape everything from culture to the media cycle to our most intimate relationships. And we now spend more time than ever on our phones, with endless scrolling through our social feeds being a chief reason why.
But dig a little deeper, and a more nuanced picture emerges about social media users today that has important implications for the ways in which brands reach customers. Specifically, when you look at who is — and more importantly, who is not — driving the growth and popularity of social platforms, a key demographic appears to be somewhat in retreat: young people. For example, 2019 findings from Edison Research and Triton Digital show social media usage overall among Americans 12 to 34 years old across several platforms has either leveled off or is waning, while 2019 research from Global Web Index suggests that the amount of time millennial and Gen Z audiences spend on many social platforms is either flat, declining, or not rising as greatly as it has in years’ past.
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